George Daoularis
Candidate Mayor of Dafni Ymittos - Municipal Elections May 2019
Head of the Independent Municipal Citizens' Alliance "Poli Foteini"
Political Identity Design / Brochure Design & Flipbook / Social Media Campaign Design / Implementation / Website Design, Implementation, Management & Technical Support / Stationery System Design / POP Material Design for Events / Electoral Center’ s Inner & Outer Placemarks
When George announced his decision to run for Mayor of the Dafni – Ymittos Municipality, we immediately adopted a pre-election mindset. We gathered all our creativity, strategic thinking and immediacy for the political communication’s planning, working under constructive pressure and stress for about three and a half months.
From the logo to the polling station’s design, the campaign’s identity filled the city of Daphne - Ymittos with a lot of positive energy and optimistic colors.
The messages "Strengthen the city" & "Restart now" prompted thousands of citizens to vote George Daoularis and the Municipal Party "Bright Town" first in the selection of the Municipality of Dafni and second, for only a few votes, in the Municipality of Ymittos.
This important result has brought the new rising force in the Municipality of Dafni-Ymittos to the surface, a fruitful experience that caused our team to bond even closer together.